You probably already know that you don’t have to stop carrying your child once the baby phase is over. There are plenty of toddler carriers to choose from. But why even stop carrying once your kid is around 4 years old? No need for that, more and more brands discover the easyness that comes with carrying older kids so they made carriers for pre schoolers. Read along and be ready to hop your pre schooler on your back!
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Lillebaby Toddler and child carrier
- carry your little one up to 60lbs (about 27 kg)
- easily widen and narrow the seat for the most comfortable hip positioning with the adjustable side panels. Easy to adjust on the go.
- comes with a front, hip and back carry option
- this carrier is more adjustable than most other carriers. If you’re not the ‘standard size’ this carrier might be great for you. Also the waistbelt fits everyone up to size 22/24 as the belt is 54 inches long. There is a waistbelt extender available which is an extra 9 inches.
- straps can be crossed but don’t need to, so wear as you like
Also one of the best carriers for toddlers. You can start carrying with this carrier from 2 years old. And technically even my seven year old niece fits in it! But my back wasn’t that happy after an hour or so 😉
2nd best pre school carrier
Tula pre school carrier
- this one carries up to 70 lbs (31.8 kg) and is made to carry kids wearing T4 and above! So that’s a lot of weight to be evenly distributed and this carrier does that very well
- it has a large panel (51.1 x 50.4 cm) and comes with an added layer (compared to the Tula toddler carrier)
- not only perfect for those pre schooler who need some extra snuggles but can also be used for special needs kids as it carries up to around 6 or 7 years old
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